Pavel Smažík

Teeth, prevention, hygiene, nature, herbs.

These words have been following me for several decades.

With different intensity or urgency in different times. They’ve been following me since I decided to start studying dentistry. Since my Childhood, nature has always been of great importance to me and today it is even more important to produce sustainable products.

Over the past few years, the topics which the words are representing have merged with the words tradition, commitment and sustainable, and ended up as one compact and logical unit.


Herbadent’s roots reach way back to the end of the 19th century. The foundations for the current dental products come from the 1960s And this century is devoted to the implementation of this time-tested herbal base. For a modern oral hygiene.

This website will take you on a tour into our world. A world that orbits around herbs.

We would be honoured if Herbadent became a part your daily routine. Our aim is to continue the work with love, care and determination.

Pavel Smažík
Owner of Herbadent

Prague, Austro-Hungarian Empire or the Dual Monarchy, 1897

Our history begins in that year. Vladimír Svatek and Dr. Javůrek start with the production of medicinal wines in Prague. At he start of the century, the founder’s brother, Dr. PhMr. Vavřinec Svatek expands the effects and indications of the wine using exotic plants and few years later, the production moves to the new premises in Prague’s Smíchov, where HERBADENT still remains today.

In the 1960s, Dr. Karmazín developed the extract from 7 medicinal herbs.

The HERBADENT gum-massage solution started to sell in pharmacies as a medicine for gingivitis and mouth ulcers in 1965. The time-tested traditional recipe, together with the careful production process with emphasis on quality and patience, is still being successfully used today and the patented natural extract has become the base for all other HERBADENT herbal products, not only for oral hygiene.

Our history timeline


The establishment of Dr. Javůrek and Svatek, the first company specialising
in fermentation and malt-wine cellars in Smíchov in Prague.

  • 1897
    Foto Historie

    The establishment of Dr. Javůrek and Svatek, the first company specialising in fermentation and malt-wine cellars in Smíchov in Prague.

  • 1901
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    The start of medicinal wine production with the main products being the Maltoferrochin and Condurango malt wines.

  • 1904
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    Medals awarded at exhibitions in Prague, Paris and Brussels

  • 1948
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    The company got nationalised by a decree of the Ministry of Industry and incorporated into the United Pharmaceutical Enterprises (SPOFA).

  • 1965
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    Start of the herbal gum-massage solution production, creating a milestone in the development of products for the treatment of dental problems and for oral hygiene.

  • 1996
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    Privatisation of the company, saving it from demise. Beginning of a new era

  • 2010
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    Birth of an independent company HERBADENT s.r.o.

  • 2018
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    A new HERBADENT ORIGINAL product range for dental preventative hygiene entered the market

  • 2019
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    HERBADENT's sole owner becomes Dr. Pavel Smažík

  • 2020
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    A new range of HERBADENT toothbrushes entered the market thanks to a close cooperation with leading Czech dentists.

  • 2021
    Foto Historie

    HERBAI a.s. established


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